“Water, The Main Ingredient in Coffee” by Scott Guglielmino, La Marzocco USA

In this talk, Scott Guglielmino of La Marzocco USA showcases how important it is to understand your water and how it affects the taste of the coffee.

While studying at University of California at Santa Cruz, Scott was hired by Williams-Sonoma (high-end domestic kitchen supply) to work as a seasonal sales associate. Tasked with selling coffee equipment during the Christmas season of 2004, he quickly became fascinated with coffee. While in universality he studied Bio-Psychology and worked as a barista for Barefoot Coffee Roasters.

After finishing his degree in 2007 he worked as Director of Sales for Verve Coffee Roasters and Technician for Four Barrel Coffee. In August 2010 Scott started working as Product Manager for La Marzocco USA, where Scott has lead an internal program to understand water chemistry and its effects on brewing and brewing equipment. In the coming months Scott’s work will be seen as La Marzocco launches an international water testing program.