Felipe talks about the research he’s done with organic farming as well as what he’s learned working in Brazil with Fazenda Ambietanl Fortaleza.
“I don’t think any farmer wakes up & wants to spray chemicals on their coffee, they do it because they have to & they have families to feed.”
“It takes guts to create a market”
“The 5 main challenges for organic coffee; Know how, productivity, cost of production, scale and market.”
“Organic produce is denser – density leads to complexity, complexity leads to quality”
Felipe Barretto Croce is part of the Fazenda Ambietanl Fortaleza (FAF) project in Brazil. He oversees quality control and development. FAF is a farm, a network of farms and a small family-owned exporting company, which is concerned with developing high quality specialty coffees along with environmental and social projects.
Felipe studied International Studies and Business at Washington University in St. Louis before falling in love with coffee.
At Nordic Barista Cup 2013 Felipe talked about growing organic coffee.