NBC2012: Peter Kimata – Agronomy of Kenyan Coffee

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Peter Kimata
Senior Agronomist, Central Kenya Coffee Mills

Peter Kimata, a qualified agronomist, is responsible for overseeing dry milling at Central Kenya Coffee Mills (sister company to CMS). Over 30% of Kenya’s coffee is annually milled at this facility, which serves over 200,000 farmers – in which Peter works closely with.

Originally Peter started studying Agricultural Engineering in 1992. And from 2001-2006 he worked as Agronomist at the Large Scale Coffee Estates. From 2007-2009 he was Senior Agronomist with CMS in Dorman Group. Peter is involved in Sustainable coffee production projects leading to Utz, FLO, RA and 4C certifications. He is also a Lead Auditor on Environmental Management.

At Nordic Barista Cup 2012 Peter Kimata will host a lecture and cupping about “Agronomy of Kenyan Coffee”.