As always we collect money for a good cause in the focus country. With Kenya being the focus country we we hereby announce the 2012 project: Improvement of the Karinga Primary School in Kiambu County, Kenya.

The school serves coffee farmers of Karinga, Muiru and Karatu wet mills associated with Gitwe FCS. The school serves approximately 1900 coffee farming households. As the pictures show the learning environment is poor and there fore there has been a severe drop in national examinations performance. Very few pupils from the school are able to achieve grades good enough to secure admission in high schools.
The goal of the Karinga school project is by improving the facilities and thereby reducing risk of disease and improving attendance by the pupils – to ensure better standard of life for the people in the local area.
The project will not cover the entire school building but will concentrate on important installations including the administration block.
Specifically this is the labour that the project will encompass:

Installation of electricity.
Estimated cost USD 1,807
Purchase of electrical wiring accessories.
Paying of connection fee to the national grid

Roof, classes and offices repairs + painting.
Estimated cost USD 9,036
Painting the classrooms and offices corrugated iron sheets roof.
Painting of classrooms and offices walls. Doors and window frames.
Pit latrines floor repairs
Fixing of pit breathers in latrine
Painting of latrine
Floor and roof repairs in administration building
Wall repairs in administration building

Purchase of office furniture.
Estimated cost USD 1,807 covering:

Office chairs and tables
Office cabinets

Improving school compound drainage.
Estimated cost USD 602 covering:

Digging water drainage channel.
TOTAL COST                   USD 15,060.00

Learn more about our development projects through the times here.

See the items on sale at the NBC bazaar.